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401 items found for "stress"

  • In for 2024: Tackling stress by embracing the power of routine

    Perfect, really, given that another of my 'outs' was unnecessary stress... The more we feel we can control things, the more we reduce our stress. During particularly stressful times, the familiarity of routine can be especially helpful. There's an awful lot of synchronicity between sleep and stress. Ironically, times of high stress can become a barrier to maintaining routines.

  • "Stress-laxing": Conquering the Guilt of Self-Care

    This phenomenon, aptly coined “stress-laxing”, can cast a shadow on our ability to truly unwind. High levels of stress can increase levels of the hormone cortisol. The importance of quality relaxation reaches beyond reducing stress. Acknowledge your stress: If you’re feeling stressed while relaxing, it can be easy to force yourself feelings our bodies continue to send stress signals to prompt us to take action.

  • The Skin Deep Impact of Stress and Anxiety

    This was reassuring as I could attribute this sudden change to the immense stress and anxiety I have It also spurred an interest in the different ways in which anxiety and stress can actually impact our Why does our skin react to anxiety and stress? Anxiety and stressful stimuli can trigger our fight-or-flight response. There are many other ways that anxiety and stress can show themselves through our skin.

  • The Science of Stress: How Does Stress Affect Young Minds?

    A stressor is an event or an experience that triggers a stress response. Some people may find wearing a mask stressful, for others, it is not stressful and simply a necessary increases and decreases in response to doses of stress. The effect of stress on the brain Studies from rats and primates show that stress can alter the physical Understanding the differential effects of stress It is vital to understand how stress affects different

  • Genes related to inflammation and stress may help tailor treatments for depression

    One such approach is to look at the body’s chemical responses to stress, and in particular at the activation identifying subgroups of depressed patients based on how their bodies and immune systems respond to stress As also discussed in our blog, inflammation and stress-related responses in depression have been an area have reduced numbers of glucocorticoid receptors, which are involved in the body’s stress response. With reduced numbers of these receptors, the body’s ability to buffer stress through hormones such as

  • Early-life stress and psychological, cardiovascular, and metabolic disorders

    of diseases in adulthood using cellular models of early-life stress. What is early-life stress? Early-life stress refers to the experience of stressful or adverse conditions during a child’s development Why is early-life stress important? of prenatal and postnatal (just after birth) stress as well as cellular models of early-life stress


    In this blog, I explore the role of maternal stress, and especially of maternal experience of maltreatment For example, a history of child maltreatment can lead to permanently increased levels of stress hormones Children appear stressed by separation and are reassured when reunited.

  • Why stress? How cortisol can be linked with depression in adolescents

    Last year, I wrote a blog on how early life stress can affect how our bodies work and how it can lead In particular, I spoke about how being repeatedly exposed to stress can sometimes overcome our coping This happens when the stress hormone — cortisol, which we produce in response to stress and which helps Then, we can look at cortisol reactivity, i.e., how our body reacts to stress — cortisol stress response When we respond to stress, our cortisol levels rise just enough to cope with the situation, following

  • People always want to know about stress and how it affects our lives

    Hundreds of years of evolution have not changed our stress response much. I am myself, quite stressed during these interviews. As far as stress is concerned, are we all still cavemen and cavewomen? stress to become chronic, and how the physiological damage of long-term stress can lead to conditions We can control our stress response. We no longer need to be cavemen.

  • Reflections on postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder: from theory to clinical practice

    the fifth week of our Maternal Mental Health series, which is dedicated to postnatal post-traumatic stress Becky’s account of her experience of postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PP-PTSD) is shared and recruited in England recently published striking findings related to this issue looking at post-traumatic stress

  • Postpartum psychosis: Does stress play a role in relapse?

    life events and higher perceived stress, as well as showing biological changes. But could these measures of stress already be present before the illness even begins? of psychosocial stress (childhood trauma and stressful life events during pregnancy) and markers of the The impact of recent stressful life events While early life stress, in the form of severe childhood maltreatment Changes to the biological stress system As I mentioned, we also looked at biological measures of stress

  • Does stress early in life leave an imprint in our guts? The gut microbiome and mental health.

    We all experience stress. In rodents, even brief mild stress changes the composition of gut bacteria, as does chronic stress. One particularly pernicious form of stress is early life stress (also referred to as adverse childhood If our bowel bacteria are sensitive to stress, does the stress we experienced early in life leave an women without early life stress.

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