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27 items found for "Ukraine"

  • The Winter of Blackouts: Ukraine in the Dark. Part 3

    The war in Ukraine is still ongoing but more and more people are organizing conferences and building In my effort to understand the consequences of power outage-related stress, I spoke to a Ukrainian psychologist In order to imagine what life is like in Ukraine at the moment, one would have to do an experiment, in More than a month has passed since my interviews, and by now outages in Ukraine are rare, as the country The government of Ukraine has also launched the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

  • The Winter of Blackouts: Ukraine in the Dark. Part 2

    Ukrainian business owners are showing real miracles of survival to the world, constantly adapting to part of my mini-series, I talked to the very inspiring Karina Kachurovskaya - an owner of the best Ukrainian I spent the first few months of the war in the West of Ukraine which were objectively much calmer, yet

  • The Winter of Blackouts: Ukraine in the Dark. Part 1

    As a person from Ukraine, living in Berlin, I never understood when people here complained about lousy The temperatures in Ukraine throughout the winter months sometimes fall as low as -27 degrees Celcius This winter, Russia knowingly, attacked the critical infrastructure of Ukraine, with the aim to leave friend Darya, who spent a part of her pregnancy and now the first months of her son’s life in war-torn Ukraine Even though we live in the relatively “quiet” region in the West of Ukraine, power outages are frequent

  • A Letter from Lviv: Courage in Ukraine and Beyond

    A Letter from Lviv: Courage in Ukraine and Beyond Today marks three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine Choices I spent the eight years since Russia first invaded Ukraine panicking and frying my brain with Was remaining in eastern Ukraine safe? Since the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine in 2014, this scenario has haunted me. But Ukrainian allies worldwide can — by enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

  • On the Road to Help Ukraine: An interview with Dennis Ougrin

    On the Road to Help Ukraine: An interview with Dennis Ougrin What is most surprising about my conversation returned to Ukraine from abroad, in order to fight? Russian and Ukrainian languages are different (they separated in around the 13th century) and Ukraine Dennis also reminds me of the different histories of the different areas of Ukraine. You can support Dennis’s campaign to buy medical equipment and supplies for Ukraine here.

  • Managing collective war trauma in Ukraine: The importance of keeping in touch

    We took a car and drove to the west of Ukraine. In Ukraine, we say that “How are you?” became a form of saying, “I care about you.” In Ukraine, green and yellow zones are the territories with the least military action), so in the west of Ukraine, or abroad, because if a therapist is also afraid of a rocket flying into his house, they Since this interview was taken, the situation in Ukraine has escalated again.

  • Escape from Ukraine: Mental health in displaced populations.

    Escape from Ukraine: Mental health in displaced populations. the Russian president, Vladimir Putin is escalating his unprovoked attack on his peaceful neighbour Ukraine governments impose hard-hitting economic sanctions, people around the world stand in solidarity with Ukraine Editor’s Note We are deeply saddened by and concerned about the terrible events in Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine and we will continue to raise awareness for this

  • International Foreign Students' lives should be a priority as Ukraine Refugees

    International Foreign Students’ lives should be a priority as Ukraine Refugees Since 24th February 2022 Russian military, under the orders of its President Vladimir Putin, initiated a full-scale invasion of Ukraine News media platforms are shocked by the outpouring of Ukraine refugees who have not only lost their homes Since the Russian-Ukraine war erupted, causing a surge of Ukrainian refugees, thousands of International Ukraine host over 76,000 foreign students; nearly a quarter of that figure are from Africa, with the

  • Rape and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine: The Cheapest Weapon of War

    naked man and some women partially burned on the roadside of a highway 20km outside the capital Kyiv, Ukraine executions, rape, and torture that had been used against civilians since the initiation of the invasion of Ukraine Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova, has already collected several cases of sexual violence This systematic propaganda aims to eradicate the very idea of being Ukrainian. Sex traffickers are preying on vulnerable women and girls on the borders between Ukraine and neighbouring

  • A Tale of Two Countries: An interview with a Russian young mother on the war in Ukraine

    A Tale of Two Countries: An interview with a Russian young mother on the war in Ukraine At Inspire the have previously published on the mental health of displaced populations, in the light of the war in Ukraine My friends are further geographically from the border with Ukraine than my family is. My family is quite close to the border with Ukraine. Editor’s Note We are deeply saddened by and concerned about the terrible events in Ukraine.

  • A Journey Through the Literature of Ukraine: From a pet penguin to a slice of cherry pie

    A Journey Through the Literature of Ukraine: From a pet penguin to a slice of cherry pie Eastern European The tragic events of the past month made me reflect about the literature of Ukraine, trying perhaps to , and in this blog, I would like to invite you on a journey through the literature of Ukraine. poems that awaken your imagination and transport you in the idyllic landscapes of the North-West of Ukraine Inspire the Mind continues to be deeply saddened by and concerned about the terrible events in Ukraine

  • How are Ukrainian mental health workers responding to a collective crisis?

    BetterMe is a leading Ukraine-based behavioural healthcare company providing self-help apps that promote Now 60% of the team is in Western Ukraine; some have returned to Kyiv, although we are not recommending What are your social projects related to the war in Ukraine? Instead, we collaborated with UNICEF UKRAINE and added some components that helped parents handle the of sportswear in the colours of the Ukrainian flag, and 50% of the sales are going towards UNICEF Ukraine

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