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Columns and Series
Inspire the Mind has the pleasure of working with established writers, who's columns and series are displayed in this section.
Our Columns
AMHDM - Adolescent Mental Health

Jemima Dooley
2 days ago5 min read
One Goal, Two Hats: Researching wellbeing where we live and work
This article has been co-written by Jemima Dooley , Florence Sargent , and Jay Bate Sometimes when I walk across my university campus, I...

Lauren Low
Jan 296 min read
"My Thinking Has Shifted Completely"
How Working with Experts by Experience Transforms Academics' Perspectives Photo by Syed Ali on Unsplash Researchers working with “experts...

Tine Opitz
Jan 155 min read
Introducing our series on "Learnings From the Research Process"
Key takeaways from organising a science communication workshop series When we think about research, we often imagine a clean laboratory...
The Perinatal Journey

Alessandra Biaggi
Aug 22, 20246 min read
Children’s Tantrums: What they really are and what we can do
A few months ago, while walking home, I heard a child screaming about not wanting to leave the playground. The parents were also...

Alessandra Biaggi
May 17, 20245 min read
Breaking the intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment
From maternal childhood maltreatment to children’s emotional-behavioural problems: what can be done to break the link I have written this...

Alessandra Biaggi
Feb 28, 20246 min read
Children’s play: It's more serious than you think
Play is a very serious activity for children, and is, as the Italian physician and educator, Maria Montessori, said, the work of the...
Behind the Science

Sofia Quaglia
Oct 26, 20235 min read
How does our brain understand the passing of time?
Joe Paton, head of the Learning Lab at the Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, has been researching the neurological principles by which...

Sofia Quaglia
Sep 28, 20239 min read
How the brain memorizes mundane events
An interview with Zachariah Reagh, a brain scientist at Washington University. Do you remember what you did on this day six months ago?...

Sofia Quaglia
Aug 24, 20239 min read
Is there a link between personality and cognitive abilities?
This new meta-analysis gets to the bottom of the question. A new, exhaustive study published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of...
Creativity and Balance

Natali Simmonds
Mar 7, 20245 min read
Why the Suffering Artist Archetype is so damaging for creatives
The ‘suffering artist’ is a romanticised archetype that has been perpetuated throughout history in literature, film, and popular culture....

Natali Simmonds
Dec 6, 20235 min read
Self-promotion for creatives: Getting seen is the key to success
The arts and business don’t mix. They should. They need to. But no one likes to talk about the two together. I’ve been a published...

Natali Simmonds
Jun 22, 20235 min read
More Than A Thriller
Good Girls Die Last is feminist reality wrapped in fiction I was so tired of crying. It was the summer of 2021 and the news was full of...
Rachel Kelly's Column

Rachel Kelly
Dec 18, 20246 min read
Young People and Ultra-Processed Foods
The Christmas holidays are approaching, with talk of turkey, brussels sprouts, and all the trimmings. But for thousands of teenagers,...

Rachel Kelly
Sep 18, 20245 min read
Four foods to support menopausal women this Autumn
Now, at the age of 58, I’m arguably in the autumn of my life. As the days draw in and the leaves begin to fall, it feels like the right...

Rachel Kelly
Jul 9, 20243 min read
Summer Recipe for Good Mood Foods
We live in uncertain times. The UK has just witnessed an election, wars are being fought, and many of us feel anxious about the state of...
Hattie Gladwell Column

Hattie Gladewell
Jan 10, 20223 min read
How music has been my escapism since the age of six
Throughout the ups and downs of my life, there has been one constant: music. It’s something that I’ve been doing ever since I was little....

Hattie Gladewell
Aug 25, 20213 min read
It’s okay to take a step back when you need to
I’m writing this for anyone who is currently overwhelmed or feeling like they need to take a step back. From anything. From the internet,...

Hattie Gladewell
Aug 2, 20213 min read
I'm tired of feeling guilty for being a working mother
I’m tired of feeling guilty for being a working mother. It’s something I’ve been dealing with for a long time, ever since I got back to...
Our Series
Maternal Mental Health

Alessandra Biaggi
May 17, 20245 min read
Breaking the intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment
From maternal childhood maltreatment to children’s emotional-behavioural problems: what can be done to break the link I have written this...

Jodi Pawluski
Nov 9, 20224 min read
After the Storm: Supporting Maternal Mental Health
This is the last blog of our Maternal Mental Health series. For the last six weeks, dear reader, we have discussed the often...

Colin Martin
Nov 3, 20225 min read
Reflections on postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder: from theory to clinical practice
This is the fifth week of our Maternal Mental Health series, which is dedicated to postnatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We...
Fatherhood & Men's Mental Health

Wiliam Nicholson
Nov 19, 20215 min read
Transforming the Narrative on Fatherhood and Mental Health
I’m William Nicholson, a dad of 3 and an activist for social and systems change. I’m passionate about supporting health and wellbeing...

Zoe Darwin
Nov 11, 20216 min read
'Who's the real Dad?' Two-Father Families and Surrogacy
Any parent can experience mental health difficulties in the perinatal period (from conception to one year following birth), regardless of...

Michael Johnson-Ellis
Nov 10, 20217 min read
Struggles with 'Imposter Dad' Syndrome
I’m Michael and I’m married to Wes. We met by complete chance in June 2012 at Birmingham Pride no less, both single and not looking for a...
Psych Stars

Dr Declan Hyland
Dec 18, 20244 min read
Inspiring and supporting the Psychiatrists of tomorrow
Note from the Editor : It is my pleasure to present the final Psych Star blog of the Psych Star Series , a collection of articles written...

Namira Patel
Nov 14, 20245 min read
The Contribution of Acquired Brain Injuries on Criminal Behaviour
On a busy road, when the traffic rushes like water breaking through a dam and the lights refuse to turn red, the decision you may make to...

Catriona McVey
Oct 15, 20245 min read
ADHD in doctors: a personal reflection
It is ADHD Awareness Month , and I often find myself reflecting on my own diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),...
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