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105 items found for "inflammation"

  • Is this Long-COVID?

    cortisol (known as the ‘stress hormone’) or triggered by the awakening of latent virus, producing chronic inflammation At Amsterdam UMC, I am co-PI, together with my colleague Femke Lamers, of the INFLAMED clinical trial testing the efficacy of anti-inflammatory add-on in the treatment of what we call “immuno-metabolic form of depression characterized by signs and symptoms very similar to those I experienced such as inflammation These days, I’m returning to my work at INFLAMED with the only useful insight I distilled from this otherwise

  • Can omega-3 fatty acids really treat depression? Fishing for answers

    action in the brain — meaning that these compounds are able to decrease inflammation. The role of stress, the immune system, and inflammation on the development of depression has been widely For example, one such study reported that patients with depression displaying higher levels of inflammation before treatment, were shown to have better responses to EPA than those displaying low inflammation. This could mean that ω-3 PUFAs are more effective in patients with inflammation-associated depression

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: it's about more than just fish

    can influence the way brain cells connect and communicate with each other, in addition to limiting inflammation the central nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease or depression, which are linked to increased inflammation This inflammation namely affects a process called neurogenesis, whereby new brain cells (neurons) develop pro-resolving mediators”, was getting a lot of attention because of its very potent actions against inflammation I narrowed the focus of my research on disorders where inflammation plays a role, particularly those

  • The Power of Gut Bacteria to Influence Mental Health

    For example, we have seen that microbial imbalance in the gut can increase the production of inflammatory butyrate — an essential short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) that maintains a healthy gut lining and prevents inflammation enriched in patients, is involved in butyrate depletion and has also been linked to gastrointestinal inflammation Interestingly, these conditions have also been shown to have an overlap in genetic studies and inflammatory that — I am conducting the PROMEX study to assess how probiotics affect the gut microbiota itself, inflammation

  • If I were a neuron...

    What if the microglia become too active and I, the neuron, am exposed to sustained abnormal levels of inflammation , which are responsible for recruiting more inflammatory markers from the body into the brain. But it looks difficult to communicate with other neurons when you are living in a persistently inflamed In this way high levels of inflammation may play a crucial role in initiating, maintaining and spreading The art experience is influences by our mood and probably by the level of inflammation in our brain.

  • Predicting Children’s Health: The Promise of Blood Tests

    There are many examples of types of immune and metabolic markers, but two I discuss here inflammation Inflammation is a hot topic, often featured in news articles about everything from diet and exercise Inflammation is a key part of your body’s immune system and is critical to healing. Higher inflammation has been observed in adults with a history of childhood adversity. Depression is one example of mental health disorder where we see high levels of inflammation.

  • Insights on the Complexity of the Prenatal Opioid Epidemic

    structure that nourishes the unborn baby and removes waste) and reach the fetal brain, where they can cause inflammation Inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism but when it reaches the brain, it can be associated Exposure to multiple substances along with infection could induce a chronic inflammatory state.

  • We Can All Learn From Each Other: How opening the doors for exchange can benefit us working in Arts

    Uncut,” is an award-winning installation and participatory performance, focusing on depression, blood inflammation was donated to the project in exchange for a sip of anti-inflammatory beetroot juice; their regrets were The installation was inspired by Carmine’s research on blood inflammation in depressed patients and two

  • Falling out of depression - does psychological therapy reverse the biological changes in depression?

    We also know that psychotherapy affects the chronic low-grade inflammation seen in depression, although that psychological therapy led to lower levels of c-reactive protein (CRP), a substance produced in inflammation

  • The Bow that Bends but Doesn't Break: Might Flexibility Reduce Depression Risk?

    psychological stressor just as it would respond to a pathogen (although to a lesser extent) — via a cascade of inflammation Over time, this stress-induced inflammation may increase depression risk. So What Can Be Done?

  • Thinking About Spring Poetry

    A third is that Spring is a time when inflammation increases as plants release pollen, and there have long been associations between mood disorders and inflammation.

  • The Biology of Depression, and Being on the Path to Discovery

    analyse the immune system of these patients and try to identify if and how they differ in terms of their inflammatory And fourth, this study highlighted that the contribution of weight and body mass index (BMI) to inflammation Our interpretation of the data is such that PBMCs are unlikely to be the source of any inflammatory signal Indeed, there are many studies linking inflammation with obesity, and adipocytes are thought to be an important source of pro-inflammatory molecules, however studies like ours often consider the effects

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