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105 items found for "inflammation"

  • Molecular Investigation of Bear Bile

    of many other diseases defined by western medicine, based on modern pharmacological studies, such as inflammation pregnancy (“a liver condition that occurs in late pregnancy”), and even to non-liver diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases (“long-term conditions that involve inflammation of the gut”).

  • Scientists just figured out how to grow electrodes inside living organisms

    very thin capillary to inject the gel, one the size of a human hair, and after two days the initial inflammation And there’s no inflammation from the polymer itself, inside the tissue.

  • I miss who I was before inflammatory bowel disease

    I was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease in 2015. Ulcerative colitis, to be precise, which is a form of IBD that causes severe inflammation in your colon The histology report showed that my bowel was severely distended and inflamed, and they removed the entire Having inflammatory bowel disease is hard — it’s completely different to IBS and is life-threatening. A realisation into how deeply inflammatory bowel disease can affect you; not just physically, but mentally

  • The pursuit of happiness: Why does nothing feel good when you have anhedonia?

    Given the brain’s infamous complexity, changes in brain activity associated with anhedonia are likely What about inflammation? One example is inflammation, and particularly inflammatory molecules called cytokines, which are known of new generated neurons in the brain, and indeed, this may be one of the mechanisms through which inflammation

  • The History of Antidepressants: From Plants to Prozac

    DMT can also affect sigma-1 receptors, which are responsible for regulating the inflammatory response Inflammation is the body’s way of sounding the alarm by releasing chemicals called cytokines. When this inflammation occurs in the brain, it causes sickness behaviour. This has led many scientists to hypothesize that some depression symptoms are the result of increased inflammation While it is possible that some of the antidepressant effects of ayahuasca are attributable to its anti-inflammatory

  • Ditch the diets this January, says Rachel Kelly

    growing evidence that some forms of depression and mood imbalance may be linked to low-grade, chronic inflammation Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help improve our mood. There were four main aspects of my new anti-inflammatory, mood-boosting diet. third to eat more fermented and gut-loving foods; and finally to avoid foods which would exacerbate inflammation

  • Poetry explores how air pollution harms mental health

    While there is growing awareness of how inflammation from air pollution is harmful to lung and heart

  • At the Back of Your Mind: A fun, fresh mental health podcast

    topics of, for example, women in science, depression, long COVID and mental health, childhood trauma, inflammation

  • Beyond the Veil of a Male Phenomenon: Sex hormones & the immune system in suicide vulnerability

    As well as depression, increased inflammation seems to be a suicidal-specific biological trait. In fact, depressed patients who attempted suicide have increased inflammatory biomarkers than depressed In fact, estrogens can have both anti- and pro-inflammatory properties, whereas testosterone mainly has anti-inflammatory effects. Violent methods of suicide show a link with increased inflammation, which is higher than in non-violent

  • The Quest to Find Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease

    Prevalent in up to 80% of individuals with Parkinson’s, pain may be caused by increased inflammation Damage to the nervous system triggers the release of inflammatory mediators, which normally fight pathogens Indeed, a recent study by Prof Duty’s lab showed that the levels of an inflammatory cytokine, Tumour

  • Does stress early in life leave an imprint in our guts? The gut microbiome and mental health.

    interesting, as studies by other research teams have shown that this type of bacteria is associated with inflammation researchers found elevated Prevotella in people with rheumatoid arthritis, a disease in which the joints are inflamed found that specific gut taxa, including Prevotella and Dialister, are associated with cortisol and inflammatory cortisol (a stress hormone) and proinflammatory cytokines (substances secreted by immune cells that cause inflammation that Liisa wanted to share an insight into her work in childhood adversity, the gut microbiome and inflammation

  • Beware of labelling depressed people: “treatment resistant” does not mean “untreatable”

    our understanding of the biology of depression, and especially on the role of the immune system and inflammation In some people, depression might be related to a chronic inflammatory response to stress, involving both like all other disorders: not just in the mind, not just in the brain, but in the whole body, with inflammation Second, new anti-inflammatory treatment strategies, targeting inflammation through medications, nutritional lifestyle changes, are currently been developed for the specific subgroup of patients with increased inflammation

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