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Karim Lekadir
Aug 18, 20204 min read
Beautiful, healthy minds? Mathematics and mental health beyond the stereotypes
“A beautiful mind” is the title of the critically acclaimed, unauthorised biography of the mathematician John Nash, who famously made...

Melisa Kose
Jul 29, 20204 min read
Genes related to inflammation and stress may help tailor treatments for depression
In the UK, roughly 1 in 5 people suffer from depression; while many find that they have some degree of response to antidepressant...

Courtney Worrell
Jul 21, 20209 min read
Mental health funding: A Cinderella Story
Once upon a time, there was a girl who grew up to become a mental health researcher… No. Wait. Once upon a time? I’m not the Cinderella...

Juliette Giacobbe
Jul 14, 20206 min read
Running from a scientist’s point of view: hating it or loving it?
Through this whole corona virus-lockdown ‘end of the world’ situation, a few things have kept my mental health afloat: coffee, impromptu...

Carolina Estevao
Jul 7, 20204 min read
The outdoors and mental health: an “after-the-lockdown” perspective
In these recent months of lockdown, I have felt drawn towards — or, better, hypnotized — by the nature around me. I have surrounded...

Etta Nettis
Jun 30, 20208 min read
Inspiring Women: Baroness Deborah Bull and how the arts can support science
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” said the painter Pablo Picasso. In the last few months, this quote came to my...

Fei Huang
Jun 25, 20206 min read
Does COVID-19 come from bats?
As of June 23rd, there have been more than 9 million cases and more than 475,000 deaths from COVID-19, with cases confirmed in 213...

Ann Sofie Cloots
Apr 14, 20209 min read
Blockchain and the medical sector: from patient data and clinical trials to COVID-19
You may be bored of hearing about blockchain as the panacea to all problems of the world. So am I (and I’m so intrigued by it that I even...

Daniela Enache
Apr 7, 20204 min read
If I were a neuron...
A few months ago, I saw one of Yayoi Kusama’s installations, Gleaming Lights of the Souls. It is part of the permanent collection of the...

Daniela Enache
Mar 11, 20205 min read
Pollution and antidepressants: The flavour of medications in our tasteless waters
In 1962, marine biologist Rachel Carson reported in her book Silent Spring on the environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use...

Anna Bogdanova
Mar 4, 20204 min read
Mind Your Mindfulness: a neuroscience approach
A little while ago, my colleague Giulia wrote a fabulous introduction into mindfulness practice. Before reading this blog, please check...

Nare Hartoonian
Feb 19, 20205 min read
Can omega-3 fatty acids really treat depression? Fishing for answers
I am a graduate in Biomedical Sciences with Professional Experience from Brunel University London. During my studies, I have grown to...

Courtney Worrell
Feb 10, 20207 min read
Transforming the future of Clinical Trials - A brand new platform
When we go to our GPs and are prescribed medication for the virus we’ve been suffering with, the stomach pains that have been stopping us...

Rachel Upthegrove
Dec 18, 20195 min read
Can immune dysfunction cause psychosis?
Bringing the brain and the mind back together again In the 1600’s French philosopher Rene Descartes proposed that the mind and the body...

Valentina Zonca
Nov 27, 20197 min read
Building stronger future generations: Can we prevent the onset of depression in adolescence?
“Adolescence is like having only enough light to see the step directly in front of you” The Girl Who Chased the Moon, Sarah Addison...

Mark Freestone
Nov 20, 20196 min read
I’ve been working in forensic mental health, that is the system that manages men and women who commit a crime that is deemed to be a...

Kamaldeep Bhui CBE
Oct 22, 20194 min read
The Secret Art of Psychiatry
Mental health is now mentioned on a daily basis — in the press and media, within industry and employers, health and social care,...

Alessandra Borsini
Aug 20, 20194 min read
Your blood changes your brain: new insights on how blood inflammation affects the life of brain cell
An old story I would like to start my blog by telling you an old story… It was a hot day in August 2008, when Tony Wyss-Coray sat in a...

Sarah Horn
Aug 13, 20198 min read
Predicting Children’s Health: The Promise of Blood Tests
Predicting Children’s Health: The Promise of Blood Tests What if children could get a test at the doctor’s office that would tell them if...

Andrew Perrin
Aug 6, 20195 min read
The big impact of stress on the immune system in depression
Stress — it’s a hot topic for discussion. It seems that every day we are confronted with new information on managing it. The body has...

Luca Sforzini
Apr 24, 20195 min read
It may NOT be just the weather
A biological overview of the seasonal changes across mood disorders “The changes of the seasons are especially liable to beget...

Luca Sforzini
Mar 17, 20193 min read
What’s worse than having cancer?
An overview of the biological link between cancer and depression (and how to win the chess match against them both). There is a silent...

Carmine Pariante
Jun 29, 20164 min read
Facts You Should Know About Psychiatry and Why It Is Helping the Person Next to You
You may have never met one of us, but you will know someone who has been helped by one of us. The elderly mother of your best friend, who...

Carmine Pariante
May 17, 20164 min read
There Are More Connections in the Human Brain Than There Are Stars in Our Milky Way Galaxy…
Neurones forming synaptic connection in the brain superimposed to the Milky Way: is our understanding of the mind and the brain equally...
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